Monday, January 26, 2009

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Finally, I have time before me


I just finished writing my latest thriller ... Phew!

It will be released in May 2009. Its title: "The Vampire Brehat. 'For a few weeks I'll be able to devote myself to my blog and put interviews with authors of books the golden age of espionage and crime novels.
To do this, I received valuable assistance from several people who, like me, are passionate about this period. I especially thank Michel Menard, Aix-en-Provence, René Barone, Marseille and Paul Maugendre. Without them I would not be where because research is difficult to find those who wrote under pseudonyms and, often, patience has been rewarded.
I got in touch with Andre Caroff, who continues to write to "White River editions."
An interview should follow. Similarly
Fred Noro ... but there, the man drew a line and, apparently, does not wish to interview ... still waiting his response to a questionnaire. Otherwise, I'll put some photos of her books to recall some good memories for some.

Georges Dumoulin-Morris, the man in the 200 novels published and continues. We chatted on the phone talking nice, or even more ... and we must meet in Paris at the book fair.

I wait, and in a few days, the interview with Mike Cooper, a woman. There was very little Black River at that time.

Here, immediately, after lengthy research, we found Mario Ropp ... unfortunately died in 2007 at the age of 90 years. Through the former mayor of his village who had interviewed her, I give you block his paper.

More interviews will follow.




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